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Why are up-to-date and professional looking photos from a trusted source so important?
If an agent or casting director is sufficiently impressed with your photos he or she may want to see you in person or he or she might even feel confident enough to direct book you solely off the strength of your photos - no in person casting, interview or audition required.
Outdated and/or amateur looking photos, however, will not have that effect. Instead, they will do you more harm than good. So It is extremely important that you only work with modeling portfolio photographers and comp card photographers that know exactly what agencies and casting directors want to see in order to get picked up by top agencies and maximize your bookings.
It is also very important that your photographs come from a trusted source - and not only is Moda Kids Photography the #1 trusted source U.S. and world wide - we will meet or beat any price for comparable work. So whether you're looking to take things to the next level or brand new and looking to get off to a fast start, simply follow the instructions below. Agency referrals, out of state and international visitors are always welcome.
Under 18 must have parental permission to inquire. Please make initial contact by email and we will get back to you in 24 hours or less.
1. Full name of parent if model/talent is under age 18
2. Name and age of model/talent
3. City and State
4. Day time phone and/or cell
5. A small JPG PHOTO or two of talent. Recent snapshots are preferred but feel free to send whatever you have.
Why including 1 through 5 above is important: Every situation is different so without some basic information and without seeing a PHOTO or two it will be virtually impossible to give accurate price quotes or accurate answers to any questions you may have.
Click on the link below to send a message that includes 1 through 5 above.
Why are up-to-date and professional looking photos from a trusted source so important?
If an agent or casting director is sufficiently impressed with your photos he or she may want to see you in person or he or she might even feel confident enough to direct book you solely off the strength of your photos - no in person casting, interview or audition required.
Outdated and/or amateur looking photos, however, will not have that effect. Instead, they will do you more harm than good. So It is extremely important that you only work with modeling portfolio photographers and comp card photographers that know exactly what agencies and casting directors want to see in order to get picked up by top agencies and maximize your bookings.
It is also very important that your photographs come from a trusted source - and not only is Moda Kids Photography the #1 trusted source U.S. and world wide - we will meet or beat any price for comparable work. So whether you're looking to take things to the next level or brand new and looking to get off to a fast start, simply follow the instructions below. Agency referrals, out of state and international visitors are always welcome.
Under 18 must have parental permission to inquire. Please make initial contact by email and we will get back to you in 24 hours or less.
1. Full name of parent if model/talent is under age 18
2. Name and age of model/talent
3. City and State
4. Day time phone and/or cell
5. A small JPG PHOTO or two of talent. Recent snapshots are preferred but feel free to send whatever you have.
Why including 1 through 5 above is important: Every situation is different so without some basic information and without seeing a PHOTO or two it will be virtually impossible to give accurate price quotes or accurate answers to any questions you may have.
Click on the link below to send a message that includes 1 through 5 above.